Caramoor cares for you.
We strive to provide a welcome atmosphere for everyone at Caramoor with accessible parking, entrances, and seating. We are continuously working to ensure our 80 acres of gardens and grounds, over 5 indoor and outdoor concert venues, and the center of our estate – the Rosen House – are accessible to all visitors while abiding by The Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure a positive experience. Please be advised that portions of Caramoor have limited accessibility due to unpaved walkways, age, and historic integrity.
Summer Season (June–July)
Please notify parking staff if you need accessible parking, and you will be directed to the appropriate area on the grounds.
Indoor Seasons (August–May)
During our indoor seasons, please follow signs towards the Rosen House Parking Lot. You will then be directed to the designated parking areas.
If you need assistance getting from your car to the venue, please inform our parking staff who will be able to provide electric cart service to the entrance.
Complimentary Wheelchair Use
Caramoor has wheelchairs available for visitors who need assistance navigating our grounds and venues. Visitors may request a wheelchair at the Venue Box Office or by asking any Caramoor staff member.
Accessible Seating
Caramoor will work to provide accessible seating to any who require it. For wheelchair seating, we will provide seating in spaces without a fixed chair. We encourage those with specific seating requirements to inquire with the box office as soon as possible, as these seats are on a “first-come-first-serve” basis. Accessible seating tickets can be purchased directly from the Caramoor Box Office online, by phone at 914.232.1252, or in person.
The Rosen House
The Rosen House is a historic home and is not fully accessible. Due to several steps throughout the House, only the Music Room, Dining Room, Powder room, as well as the Summer Dining Room for Afternoon Teas are wheelchair accessible. Wheelchairs and walkers are not allowed in the remainder of the House. A Rosen House tour is a 45-minute walking tour and does include a few steps. Please contact the Box Office via email at or phone at 914.232.1252 if you have any questions or concerns.
All venues offer wheelchair accessible restrooms. If you have trouble locating our accessible facilities, please ask a staff member.
Venetian Theater, Sunken Garden, and Grounds
Restrooms are located adjacent to Friends Field.
Rosen House, Music Room, and Spanish Courtyard
Accessible restrooms are located inside the Rosen House through the east side cloister.
Walking Paths
There are several paved or stone pathways for walking around Caramoor. While some of our garden paths are not paved, Audience Services personnel and Caramoor volunteers are positioned along these walkways during concert days if you need assistance.
Services for the Hearing and Visually Impaired
Assistive Listening Devices are available for most Venetian Theater performances at no charge. You may pick up a device at the Venue Box Office prior to the performance. Please provide a driver’s license or other valid ID in order to borrow a device. The Box Office staff will be happy to assist you in using the device if you need it.
Caramoor can provide sign language interpretation in some cases for visitors with hearing disabilities. Please place a request for 30 days before the event to ensure proper service and scheduling. For more information or to reserve service, call 914.232.1252 or email
Service Animals
Certified service animals are always welcome at Caramoor. While we love animals, for the preservation of our grounds and safety to other visitors, non-certified dogs and other pets are not allowed at Caramoor.
Medical Aid
First Aid is available onsite at Caramoor at numerous locations. Please do not hesitate to contact any Caramoor staff member if you are in need of medical assistance. We will also have an ambulance on site during select days in the Summer Season.
Additional Information
Please feel free to call 914.232.1252 or email if you need more information, or if you have suggestions about access at Caramoor.