What began in 2002 as a musical variety show produced by siblings Sean and Sara Watkins, Watkins Family Hour has grown into a bluegrass collective embracing the power of shared […]
city winery
Della Mae
Della Mae is a Grammy Nominated, Nashville-based, all-female string band. With a musical approach that’s steeped in tradition yet firmly rooted in the present, they have a completely original style […]
American Roots Music Festival
The annual American Roots Music Festival is back with a day overflowing with spectacular music performed throughout our grounds spanning the genres of blues, Americana, folk, and bluegrass. This music-filled […]
Joan Osborne
Since she made her mark 25 years ago with the multi-platinum album Relish, the seven-time Grammy Nominee, Joan Osborne, has never played it safe. Osborne has followed her restless musical […]