Caramoor staff share their gratitude.
As the year draws closer to an end, we find ourselves preparing for this Thursday’s hearty meal and reflecting back on 2018 and the nature, moments, and people that filled our hearts with thanks. The Caramoor staff took a moment to share what they have been thankful for this year in and around Caramoor.
We’d love to hear from you as well! Please feel free to share your reflections below.
We’re thankful for …
“I’m thankful for Walter Rosen who had a vision, for Lucie Rosen who made sure it became a reality, and for the Caramoor staff that works with love and inspiration to make sure it continues.” — Roanne Wilcox Publications Editor |
“Being part of a community filled with passions for music, art, and nature and for all that has been shared with me by audience members, volunteers, artists, and employees alike. I am grateful to be connected to such a great group of people.”
— Karla Stewart
Concierge Program Manager
“The constant beauty found in nature if we pause to appreciate it.” — Gina Cassetta-Westenberg Rosen House Assistant |
“Never have I felt more thankful to be an employee at an organization that is not only deeply fun and rewarding to be a part of, but an organization that takes care of its staff, that makes sure we are happy, healthy, and valued. As my husband and I approach the birth of our first child, Caramoor has made it clear they don’t want me to miss a second of being a parent, and the staff can’t wait to dote on our little one who, I’m sure, will be at many concerts to come.”
— Ellie Gisler Murphy
Manager of Artistic Planning
“I am thankful for the walks and secret hidden places that you find all over Caramoor in the gardens and the House. There’s a beautiful quote by John Muir that goes, “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” This is so true here! Sometimes, I take walks in the garden while listening to the concert. The mix of nature, movement, and music is pure magic.” — Anonymous |
“Working at Caramoor with a caring community of colleagues and for getting to do what I love in a setting of great beauty and inspiration. Feeling very blessed!”
— Maggi Landau
Artistic Director, American Roots Music
“For the sources of my strength: loved ones, music, art, and the beauty of nature.” — Barbara Prisament Media Relations, Group Services & Outreach Consultant |
“All of the support from my family, friends, and Caramoor family, throughout this past year. It was a year of huge ups, but also deep downs, and I appreciate all of the love, guidance and inspiration from everyone around me.”
— Liat Greif
Executive Assistant & Board Liaison
“The incredible Team of Caramoor employees, one of whom will retire in 2019 — Merceds Santos Miller. I am thankful for her incredible stewardship of the Rosen House. I think Walter and Lucie Rosen would be thankful for this too! — Jennifer Pace Director of Individual Gifts |
“The thousands of people that come to Caramoor each year “to think and dream feel joy and pity and hope for human kind” (Lucie Rosen). A special thanks to our volunteers who so warmly welcome each visitor.”
— Jeff Haydon
Chief Executive Officer
“Bright, sunny days that are great for a stroll!” — Morgan Boecher Director of Marketing & Communications |
“The magical wonderland that Caramoor is. What a beautiful, natural space for young couples to start their ‘forever’ together! Touring around the property with couples who have found their match in each other, and then find the magic of this place is a very rewarding part of my job. They are overjoyed to get to celebrate their union with their closest loved ones in this hidden piece of forest. They also are enchanted by the love story of Walter and Lucie. Caramoor becomes a meaningful part of their lives together; how special for us to be able to bear witness to that and provide this sacred space.”
— Gayle Schmidt Greves
Director of Special Events
“The creativity, flexibility, and collaborative camaraderie of my Caramoor colleagues who continually inspire me. Without their support, laughter, and good humor, working at Caramoor would not be as fulfilling. Nor would spontaneous moments like this happen!” |
“I’m grateful for live music and the community it fosters. The connection formed between the audience and the performer, between fellow audience members, and between the musicians on stage warms my soul and creates a healing energy in any performance space.”
— Emily Buffum
Digital Media Coordinator
“All of the concerts I got to see here at Caramoor, and at other places around the area as well. It just means that the arts are alive and well, and people like me are ready to embrace it.” — Roslyn Wertheimer Marketing Coordinator |
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